Just Like Scientists Predicted, There Is a Massive Blob Stretching Across the Atlantic Ocean

Just Like Scientists Predicted, There Is a Massive Blob Stretching Across the Atlantic Ocean The 1995 science fiction classic Waterworld imagines humanity at the far end of runaway climate change. It takes viewers several centuries into the future after rising global temperatures melted the ice caps and glaciers, burying the world’s land masses beneath an … Read more

Hubble’s Big Reveal: Unearthing the Secrets of a Nearby Earth-Sized World

Hubble’s Big Reveal: Unearthing the Secrets of a Nearby Earth-Sized World

Hubble’s Big Reveal: Unearthing the Secrets of a Nearby Earth-Sized World NASA’s Hubble Telescope accurately measured LTT 1445Ac, an Earth-sized exoplanet in a nearby triple star system. Initially discovered by TESS, this rocky planet is similar in size to Earth but much hotter. The research enhances our knowledge of exoplanets and their atmospheres. Credit: ESA/Hubble … Read more

Is graphene the best heat conductor? Researchers investigate with four-phonon scattering

Is graphene the best heat conductor? Researchers investigate with four-phonon scattering

Is graphene the best heat conductor? Researchers investigate with four-phonon scattering Spectral and mode contribution. (a) Spectral contributions to κ of graphene at room temperature without boundary scattering. The inset shows the cumulative thermal conductivity as a function of phonon frequency. (b) ZA phonons’ contribution to κ and its percentage at room temperature, and comparison to first … Read more

Nanodiamonds can block tumor metastasis in mice, study shows

Nanodiamonds can block tumor metastasis in mice, study shows

Nanodiamonds can block tumor metastasis in mice, study shows Effect of treatment with carbon nanodiamonds on the growth and metastasis of B16F10-Luc2 tumor in mice by bioluminescence imaging. Credit: Behera et al Nanodiamonds are 2–8 nm carbon nanoparticles, which can be easily functionalized with various chemical groups like carboxylic groups or drugs. Previous research has … Read more