Yves Rocher Foundation-Terre de Femmes International Prize

The Yves Rocher Foundation is proudly announcing the “Yves Rocher Foundation – Terre de Femmes International Prize 2024” – a global initiative designed to honor and support the impactful efforts of women championing environmental causes around the world.

EzoicThis prestigious scholarship aims to recognize and financially empower women, both individually and through non-profit organizations, who are actively contributing to the preservation of insects and their ecosystems. The foundation will provide a substantial endowment of €10,000 to the selected winner, fostering tangible change in our global ecological dynamics. The program is open to women of legal age globally.

  • Award
  • Application Process
  • Clarity of Information

The Yves Rocher Foundation headquartered is located in La Gacilly, France, stands as a beacon of environmental commitment and sustainable initiatives. Established as a recognized public utility, the foundation is dedicated to promoting and supporting projects that champion biodiversity, nature conservation, and women’s leadership in ecological causes. With a global footprint, the Yves Rocher Foundation actively engages in initiatives such as the “Yves Rocher Foundation – Terre de Femmes International Prize,” which annually recognizes and empowers women making exceptional contributions to environmental preservation.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2024

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Yves Rocher Foundation
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Project-based
  • Award: €10,000
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Nationality: Open to women of legal age worldwide
  • The award can be taken in: France




  • Eligible Countries: Open to women globally
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: The scholarship will be awarded for projects focused on the theme “Insects for a living planet.”
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • Women of legal age worldwide.
  • Engaged in a project in favor of nature through a non-profit organization or on a personal basis when laws prevent participation through a non-profit organization.
  • Not members of the Yves Rocher Foundation, involved in the organization of the contest, or Groupe Rocher staff or employees.
  • Limited to one entry per person.
  • Winners of the two previous editions are not eligible.
  • May combine participation with the Terre de Femmes France Award in the same or previous years.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: Candidates can complete and submit their applications online from October 1, 2023, on the Yves Rocher Foundation website.
  • Supporting Documents: The application file (10 to 20 pages maximum) includes:
  • Completed entry form.
  • Presentation of the candidate’s action (detailed purpose, location, history, achievements, outlook, budget, photos).
  • Description of the candidate (photo, CV, commitment to the environment).
  • Description of the organization behind the project (if applicable).
  • Language Requirement: Students must be proficient in written and spoken English language.


The Yves Rocher Foundation will award the International Prize to the winner, and an endowment of €10,000 will be paid into the account of the organization behind the winning project. The endowment will be paid within four months of the award ceremony and must be used solely for the needs of the presented action.

Apply Now

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