Oregon and NASA join forces to send microbes into space for low-gravity growth study

Oregon and NASA join forces to send microbes into space for low-gravity growth study

Oregon and NASA join forces to send microbes into space for low-gravity growth study
In a collaborative effort with NASA, two faculty members from the Oregon State University College of Engineering, Dorthe Wildenschild and Tala Navab-Daneshmand, embark on a $525,000 National Science Foundation project exploring the influence of gravity on microbial growth, reported Astrobiology. The research involves sending specimens to the International Space Station(ISS) to investigate how biofilms, clusters of microorganisms adhering to surfaces, develop in partially and variably water-saturated porous media—specifically, damp dirt and rocks with non-uniform water distribution.
The study’s societal implications on Earth span various fields, including groundwater remediation, water treatment, soil and agricultural science, and the prevention of biofilm-related issues in medical devices and implants. Furthermore, insights into microgravity-grown biofilms aim to enhance the understanding of altered microbial behavior in space, impacting engineered systems and human health during crewed spaceflights.
Wildenschild and Navab-Daneshmand anticipate launching OSU samples to the ISS in late summer 2025, potentially via a space shuttle. They plan for astronauts to conduct live-communicated work on the samples during STEM outreach events at Oregon State, with detailed protocols and preparations spanning over a year.
The project focuses on exploring the tradeoff between capillarity and gravitational forces in microbial growth. Capillarity, influenced by surface tension, drives liquid movement in narrow spaces. Researchers aim to uncover the role of capillarity in biofilm growth and architecture within porous materials. By eliminating gravity in space, they can discern how gravity and capillarity interact and affect biofilm development.
The researchers hypothesize that, based on the flow domain’s interplay between capillary, gravitational, and viscous forces, they can predict biofilm growth patterns. The study involves controlling viscosity, comparing growth patterns on Earth with those in microgravity, and utilizing microCT scans upon return to Earth for a detailed comparison. The scans will provide a three-dimensional view, enabling a deeper understanding of how gravity and capillarity influence biofilm formation.

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